20 Days: A Battle for Truth at 25

While I am recovering from surgery this weekend, I have asked my dear friend David Goodwin to guest post as a part of my 25 Days of an (un)Mid-Life Crisis…

22 Days: New Kids on the Block

There was nothing I disliked more while growing up than being called, “Kid,” “Kiddo,” “Squirt” or some other variation of these supposed terms of endearment. But in every situation I…

23 Days: A Big Pile of Should

Of all the words in the English language, one of my least favorite is “should.” I can think of no other word that carries with it as much defeating expectation…

24 Days: MASHed Up Reality

When I was a little girl I used to play a game called MASH. No, I wasn’t pretending to be a nurse during the Korean War (not that M*A*S*H). You…

25 Days: Embracing the Crisis

The whole idea behind these series of posts was birthed out of a conversation I was having with my friend-quasi-mentor Laura. We were discussing my upcoming birthday and my reservations…