Anyone Still Out There?

*tap-tap-tap* … is this thing on? check-check … 1… 2… 3 … Holy stink it has been a LONG time since the start of my blog break! 8 weeks to…

Abrupt Departure

I’m taking a break from blogging. It seems abrupt, yes. But in many ways this has been a long time coming. From feeding my need for affirmation through comments &…


There’s been something weighing on my heart for a little while now. And I want to bring you in on it… for thoughts, wisdom and all that good stuff. I…

You. Today. One Word.

– – – – – – Me. Today. One Word. Hopeful You? – – – – – – rt: los

Wait, Did You Just Time Me Out?

This is just under 10 minutes, so if you don’t have time right now… do come back. It is well worth the watch. SO FUNNY! Can you think back to…

My Heart is an Ugly, Ugly Place

I have some confessing to do. I am harboring bitterness in my heart right now. I can’t blame on it on my depression. My depression doesn’t cause me to sin….