Pray for Tuesday

Beginning tomorrow (February 10), several bloggers and friends of mine will be partnering with me and my upcoming book: Dirty Girls: The New Porn Addicts. By posting, twittering, facebooking and…

Monday Weigh-in #17

Big news, people! I went shopping over the weekend and ended up at Old Navy. Would you believe it? I fit myself into a size 14. SIZE 14! Now, I…

iCooked: Week 2-ish

I wasn’t too inspired to cook this week until tonight. So really, I didn’t cook in week 2… but I am calling this week 2 because I plan to cook…

From Where I’m Sitting

Psalm 5 1 Give ear to my words, O Lord , Consider my groaning. 2 Heed the sound of my cry for help, my King and my God, For to…

LifeGroup Online

Wednesdays, 8:30pm (CST) You can participate by pressing the “play” button in the video below or CLICK HERE for a larger view (I find that the chat is easier in…

Superbowl Ad Rejected by NBC

Reason? “Too controversial.” Hmm… What do you think? – – – – – – My favorite of the night.