LifeGroup Online! Update

I was hoping to post this sooner, but I’ve been a little under the weather… First, I am super super super excited that so many of you are interested in…

Monday Weigh-in #10

Sorry for the late posting today. It has been kind of a weird day, plus I am sick with a cold. But it is still Monday, so it counts! How…

Fall on Winter

I have a stubborn bradford pear tree in my front yard. It is nearly December and as of earlier this week, its leaves were still green and had yet to…

With Gratitude…

I AM THANKFUL FOR… *God and His grace and provision. *My mom. She means more to me than she probably realizes. *Kathi, who encourages me and got me started doing…

Living & Breathing

I just wanted to briefly share with you what has been taking up my time and stealing my creativity over the last couple of weeks. I have been working on…

Taking Things Up a Notch…

There’s something that has been on my heart as of late that I hope will resonate with your hearts as well. The blog community is an incredible thing. We learn…