fill in the blank

i place __________ before my relationship with God. answer anonymously, if you’d like.

crushing confessions

i used to have a major crush on actor, Jeff Goldblum. real-life or celebrity… was/is your moment embarrassing crush?

the good finders

have you ever been lost? not temporarily misplaced … but a panic overwhelms you, beads of sweat on your brow, gotta find someone to help you kind of lost? although…

The Untouchables

This post is in conjunction with The 40 Day Fast. Today is my scheduled day (in team one) to write about an area of need in the world (either a…

tick… tick… tick…

One morning last week, when I was in my bathroom getting ready for my day, I began to hear a ticking noise. tick… tick… tick… I thought I was losing…

universal language…

i just thought this was a beautiful little video. i can’t imagine being able to experience the world like this. i’d pretty much give any to be able to. enjoy…