feed this

if you read pinkhairedgirl.net via my RSS feed…(or aren’t even subscribed yet)… PLEASE change the feed to the following address. it should change automatically, but nothing on my blog ever…

before he speaks

now, i’m not a pastor’s wife… or wife at all, but this cracked me up. i can’t even count how many times i’ve heard pastors speak about their wives and…

i’m supergirl

You are Supergirl Honest and a defender of the innocent. Supergirl 78% Green Lantern 75% Wonder Woman 73% Iron Man 65% Superman 60% The Flash 60% Hulk 55% Batman 45%…

that’s shocking!

kansas has been filled with some pretty amazing electrical storms the last few days and tonight will be of no exception. if you’ve been around very long, you know i…

you might think she’s weird, but…

i admit it… when i’m not watching jimmy kimmel, i watch pastor melissa scott. despite the fact that she married like an 80 year old and now pastors his church,…


as if you couldn’t tell, i am having trouble finding things to write/blog about lately. if it hadn’t been for the needs of this orphanage in haiti, i wouldn’t have…