I remember when I was an addict that a new year always meant an opportunity for a fresh start. I’d get all excited and say to myself that I’d never look at porn again. As if the clock striking midnight was going to magically wipe away the years of bondage I’d been trapped in. The years… Continue reading Resolutions Aren’t Magical
Category: Accountability
Agreeing with the Devil
My LifeGroup is currently reading, When Heaven Invades Earth by Bill Johnson. To be honest it is a challenging book even on some doctrinal levels for me. However, the other night I read this paragraph and it has been messing with me ever since. . . . . . in a good way. “Satan didn’t… Continue reading Agreeing with the Devil
My Biggest Addiction Isn’t to Porn
For as long as I can remember I have had an issue with pride. I can remember back to the 4th grade when I was given a solo in the school Christmas program. I was all jazzed about getting to sing my heart out with my very own microphone. But then the week of the… Continue reading My Biggest Addiction Isn’t to Porn
Our New DGM Online Community is Here!
A couple of weeks ago we made the decision to close the discussion forum on our site due to a pretty extensive spam issue. We are excited to announce that our bigger and better online community is ready for public consumption. This new community is called “The City”, a web-based communication platform that empowers community… Continue reading Our New DGM Online Community is Here!
Could He Take Away My High School Diploma?
Addiction recovery is a continuous process. No matter if it is day 1 or day 2,290 of our recovery we must choose daily to surrender to God, confess to others, accept accountability, take responsibility for what we do and share our story. Hmm, those steps would fit nicely into a book – perhaps in an acronym of some kind ;)… Continue reading Could He Take Away My High School Diploma?