guest blogging @

just as the title says, i am guest blogging over at today. i wrote a post entitled, “The Good Ole Boys Club”.

come hang out and discuss.

By Crystal Renaud

Crystal Renaud is the Founder & Executive Director of WHOLE Women Ministries whose projects include Dirty Girls Ministries and WHOLE Women’s Conference. She is also the author of Dirty Girls Come Clean (Moody Publishers), a speaker and student who lives in the Kansas City area. Follow @crystalrenaud on Twitter and visit her website for info on coaching and speaking at


  1. Crystal – Thanks for your response. I hope there is SOME truth in my comment on Anne’s blog. I hope you realize my intention was to be encouraging to you. I have read your blog on occasion and I think you are a beautiful and gifted sister. I hope you find the answers you are looking for in this post. The blogosphere is a tough place to find them sometimes. For the record I am in full support of women carrying leadership roles in church. Your comparison was accurate when you said:

    “women have overcome great oppression, have reached the top in business, juggle full-time jobs and/or full-time homes, why is ministry leadership still a clubhouse with a wooden sign saying ‘No Girls Allowed’?”

    It seems the church has become a business with a hierarchical structure that is not biblical in many of it’s forms. I believe scripture is clear on men and women and their roles in the church on certain levels and not in others. Anyway….

    BTW – I hope you know is a satirical website. That story is made up! :-)


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