What Others Are Saying…

YESTERDAY WAS HUGE! Yesterday’s launch of Dirty Girls: The New Porn Addicts resulted in 800 site hits, 38 bold and amazing women submitting surveys, many encouraging emails and some powerful confessions. ALL IN ONE DAY! I am so excited to see what’s next. EDIT: As of 10:30am today, 56 total surveys have been submitted! Thank… Continue reading What Others Are Saying…

Pray for Tuesday

Beginning tomorrow (February 10), several bloggers and friends of mine will be partnering with me and my upcoming book: Dirty Girls: The New Porn Addicts. By posting, twittering, facebooking and all kinds of “ings,” they will encourage women to participate in research surveys and promote the vision and heart of this book: that women are… Continue reading Pray for Tuesday


As previously mentioned, I have plans to write a book… but I need your help! With the working title, “Dirty Girls: The New Porn Addicts,” this book will discuss the widespread, yet silent battle women are facing with pornography addiction. While talking about this topic might ruffle some feathers, that’s exactly what I want to… Continue reading ARE YOU IN?