The End of an Era …

In June of 2009… I took a break from blogging in order to clear my head and figure out what in the heck I was supposed to be doing. I returned 2 months later with the announcement that I was would be launching Dirty Girls Ministries. It is evident now that was the right move. I am blown away… Continue reading The End of an Era …

What Would Jesus Email?

Upon arrival to work this morning, one of the first emails I read was one sent from Jesus Christ. Yes, I’m serious (you can read the email by clicking on the image below). Basically the email says that if I don’t follow through with its instruction of sending my name, email and phone number (which… Continue reading What Would Jesus Email?

Go Ahead, Ask Me Anything

Just a random post for a snowy Friday… At risk of appearing narcissistic (not my intention), I thought we could do a fun thing today… where you ask me a question about my life, likes, dislikes, hobbies, job, ministry, quiz me with pop culture trivia… honestly, whatever you can come up with AND as long… Continue reading Go Ahead, Ask Me Anything