How’s that for an official heading? Funny, in that I actually don’t have a desk at home. But anyways . . . I wrote a post earlier this week as part of’s series on life transitions to announce something pretty big happening in my life and how it will affect the future of Dirty… Continue reading From the Desk of Crystal Renaud
Resolutions Aren’t Magical
I remember when I was an addict that a new year always meant an opportunity for a fresh start. I’d get all excited and say to myself that I’d never look at porn again. As if the clock striking midnight was going to magically wipe away the years of bondage I’d been trapped in. The years… Continue reading Resolutions Aren’t Magical
What’s More Uncomfortable to Talk About than Porn?
M-O-N-E-Y Money is such a touchy subject. Especially in this current economic climate. And partner that with another touchy subject like Pornography Addiction and you’ve got yourself quite the uncomfortable mix. But that’s exactly what I’m doing. If I entitled this post something like, “year-end giving” you probably wouldn’t have read it. But December 31… Continue reading What’s More Uncomfortable to Talk About than Porn?
Merry Christmas from Dirty Girls Ministries (A Year-End Review)
With this year quickly coming to an end, I wanted to take a moment and highlight some of the amazing ways God has shown up for Dirty Girls Ministries (DGM) in 2010. In February, DGM was transformed from ONE small group of women at ONE church to web-based ministry reaching hundreds of women with the… Continue reading Merry Christmas from Dirty Girls Ministries (A Year-End Review)
And We Have a Winner. . .
With 32 out of 52 of the votes . . . the winning t-shirt design is: You can begin ordering today! We’re offering this shirt in 2 styles. The standard fitted t-shirt (shown) in Cardinal Red or a fitted V-neck in Grey. ORDER NOW Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. – – The winner of… Continue reading And We Have a Winner. . .