My Biggest Addiction Isn’t to Porn

For as long as I can remember I have had an issue with pride. I can remember back to the 4th grade when I was given a solo in the…

Mentoring in the Church

I was honored to be asked about a month ago to write a guest post for Tyler Braun’s blog series, “Mentoring in the Church“. Today my post is up and…

GIVEAWAY: 2 Tickets to Idea Camp in Vegas

UPDATE: And the winner is. . . Heather from Generate Hope Congrats! – – WHO DOESN’T LOVE FREE STUFF? We’re giving away 2 TICKETS ($198 value) to The Idea Camp:…

Why I Told My Dad

If you’ve been following my story very long you know that my dad shows up every so often in the stories I tell. Usually about how he wasn’t around for…

“Come Stand in the Light…”

Most of you may not realize that my full-time job is actually in church communications and am actually a Regional Network Coordinator for the Center for Church Communications. I fully…

Cheapening God’s Grace

Last night I found a “goals” type of school paper I wrote when I was just 16 years old. Behind pretty words about my newfound faith and elaborate life goals…