Empty Me

Empty me of the selfishness inside Every vain ambition and the poison of my pride And any foolish thing my heart holds to Lord empty me of me so I…

you know you’re too busy when…

there isn’t time to decently blog. just to fill you in: 1. I am super busy. A lot of events and activities coming up which means, busy times for the…

the devil made me do it…

i am guest blogging over at RickKirkpatrick.com today. rich is an awesome guy in ministry way over in california. i had the honor of meeting him last november. his blog…

gone into hiding

i’ve been planning this for a while and finally… beginning this evening through Monday night, i will be MIA from my blog, other blogs, email, facebook, twitter, phone… pretty much…

time to go on… lay it down…

this is still my favorite movie scene, ever. and now, so frickin’ poignant to my present journey of healing. now is the time


it is 2:30am and i am fighting back tears. just SUPER emotional. and i am not sure where it is all coming from. work has been UBER busy for my…