Pray for Tuesday

Beginning tomorrow (February 10), several bloggers and friends of mine will be partnering with me and my upcoming book: Dirty Girls: The New Porn Addicts. By posting, twittering, facebooking and…


As previously mentioned, I have plans to write a book… but I need your help! With the working title, “Dirty Girls: The New Porn Addicts,” this book will discuss the…

Bachelors of Real Life

What makes anyone qualified to do anything? Lately, I have been battling the thought of, “what right do I have to minister to anyone?” because I am not in full…

So, I’m Writing a Book… WHAT?!

I know the bondage of sexual sin and addiction. Since the age of 10, I have struggled with some form it. What I’ve noticed in my 14+ years of experience…

It’s a Slow Fade

at Westside, we’re currently in a series about covenants. last sunday was the topic of purity. a powerful message for many to hear. the video a little further down was…

Grace makes beauty out of ugly things…

most of you who read my blog know that i used to have an intense porn addiction. i have been open about it, pretty much from the beginning. you have…