set me free… casting crowns

it hasn’t always been this way i remember brighter days before the dark ones came stole my mind wrapped my soul in chains now i live among the dead fighting…

the devil made me do it…

I have been struggling lately with some personal temptation and some frustration because of it. I have been so preoccupied with my mission-planning and a bit stressed about it… that…

2:00am Video Blog… Oh, dear…

just like the title says… but here’s a tip… try and ignore my bad hair, glared glasses and massive pimple. :) oh and why do these uploading video sites always…

renewed love…

whilst sitting here eating a “whatchamacallit” i decided to update the ole blog. i was at the gas station and saw one and thought, “dang i love those. i haven’t…

fabulous day… for reals

that’s right friends. i had a GREAT day yesterday. i had 2 very awesome conversations with 2 very amazing people who helped me put some of my current “woes” into…

weekend wrap-up

hey friends. i am so excited to write to you today. i am feeling SO good. obviously i must feel good since i am awake writing at 9:30am on a…