relentless, dangerous and maybe not so glamorous

“Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death. Set God-sized goals. Pursue God-ordained passions. Go after a dream that is destined to fail without…

I Wanna Give Him a Reason to Hate Me

The topic for today’s post has been at work in me for a while and was solidified by my friend Anne’s post from last week. It is the power of…

Anyone Still Out There?

*tap-tap-tap* … is this thing on? check-check … 1… 2… 3 … Holy stink it has been a LONG time since the start of my blog break! 8 weeks to…

Sorry, No Clever Title…

I fight depression. There. I said it. And it has been a battle I’ve waged since my late-teens. Not constantly. I have high hills and low valleys. Why am I…

My Health Scare: A Lesson in Being Still

Not many know what I am about to share with you. The only ones who do are in my LifeGroup (LGO) and just a couple others. While some might find…

I’m Not Gonna Steal Your Husband

This post might get me into trouble. I’ve been sitting on it for a few months and when Los posted about something similar last night… I decided to pull the…