big, ugly glasses

i have had poor eyesight since the age of 5 and have worn glasses almost my entire life. you can only imagine how they looked and changed in fashion over the last 17 years (i am now 22). from big, pink and plastic (yikes) to my trendy wired frames that i have now.


to this day i can remember what it was like BEFORE i got my first pair of glasses. a world of blurry vision. i remember my struggle in kindergarten to see and focus on the teacher. but glasses soon became a remedy for that problem area in my life. and to this day i wear glasses so that my vision is never blurred and so i can fully focus with clarity. but it takes routine check-ups to make sure i am still seeing clearly.

a similar example can be said about my journey with Christ. from the moment of my acceptance of Christ to today. just 7 years ago i was walking a spiritually blurred and fuzzy life. a life with blurred vision. unable to see the Teacher and His instructions. it wasn’t until i was 16 that i encountered the Father and received my remedy for visual clarity. the Holy Spirit and the relationship with Christ. well, how often do we go in for a check-up to make sure we’re still seeing Him clearly? what happens when our vision of the Father’s direction becomes blurred and altered by road blocks and weighing emotions that seem so uncontrollable?

confession: now that i have seemingly clear vision about where my life is headed with Christ and ministry, the enemy has been placing HUGE focus-stealing road-blocks in my path over the last 8 weeks. some big and some small. but all road-blocks that have fueled much discouragement, much disappointment, raw emotion and even distrust in man and God.

and i have no doubt it’s because of Africa. i know the enemy is going to continue to use said road-blocks to steal my focus. clear vision in what the Father wants me to do is what i desire. clear vision for the mission board and coordinators for assurrance that i am the one they need. i’ve already stated my willingness to GO so now i wait. Lord thank you for this test of my patience and obedience.

friends, please continue to stand in the gap for me.

Matthew 6:31-3431 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.


  1. jennifer

    i will keep praying that God’s will , will be done in your life. i think it is awesome that you want to be a missionary.

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