Catalyst 08

I am so pumped that beginning Wednesday, I will be in Atlanta attending Catalyst 08. It was such a (and I use this phrase sparingly so you know I mean it) God-thing that I was able to sneak on board. I am excited about the speakers, labs, hanging out with awesome people and the BLOGGER PARTIES.

But I am also excited about another thing that YOU will benefit from.

this year, catalyst is launching something new: CATALYST BACKSTAGE, which will be hosted by my friend Anne Jackson!

Catalyst Backstage

CATALYST BACKSTAGE will feature off-the-cuff, LIVE, exclusive backstage videos with catalyst speakers (and surprise special guests), a completely live, interactive chat open 24/7 so you can chat with other catalyst attendees and discuss what you’re learning during the sessions as they are happening — all in ONE PAGE! we’ll also be pulling in catalyst twitters (#catalyst08 is the hash tag), and other catalyst webby goodness we find throughout the event.

when she’s not backstage, she’ll be running around with a video camera invading your personal space, hanging out with you, crashing parties, and showing the world what God is doing through you…these videos will be published on the CATALYST BACKSTAGE site as well so you’ll get to meet other leaders and see what’s going on in their worlds.

in order to connect as many leaders as possible – we need your help!

we realize not everyone can attend Catalyst so we want to be able to connect everyone as much as possible via this site through the leaders who are there chatting, through the videos and all the interaction! and we want those who are attending catalyst to be able to connect with each other as well.

here’s a little code with a graphic. it is YOUR job to spread it around like wildfire. THANKS!!!!


(you’ll also be hearing from me throughout the conference via my blog and my twitter. so there’s more to come beginning Wednesday!).


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