Fall on Winter

I have a stubborn bradford pear tree in my front yard.

It is nearly December and as of earlier this week, its leaves were still green and had yet to fall. Those who don’t know Kansas foliage, the trees around here begin to change as early as late September.

We had our first snow of the season this weekend. Not a lot but enough to cover the grass.

This morning when I looked outside I saw this… The old, stubborn bradford pear… had finally dropped its leaves and they were laying ever so lightly on top of the clean, fresh snow.

My friend twittered about the snow this weekend, saying the following:

“Its snowing… I like to think God is sending the flakes to make us clean again. A blanket of blessing. Our inheritance of Him.”

Perhaps I’m reaching with my analogy here today, but I know I have things I am too stubborn/scared/anxious to let go of. But even trees know when enough is enough. And sometimes we just need to fall on winter (God’s blessing and healing) in order to be cleansed and renewed for what’s next.

After all, winter is only a season.
All will be new again soon.

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