Pray for Tuesday

Beginning tomorrow (February 10), several bloggers and friends of mine will be partnering with me and my upcoming book: Dirty Girls: The New Porn Addicts. By posting, twittering, facebooking and all kinds of “ings,” they will encourage women to participate in research surveys and promote the vision and heart of this book: that women are suffering in silence and that freedom from a pornography addiction is possible.

Please pray a special blessing for these friends of mine who are stepping out boldly against pornography and addiction on the behalf of women all over the world.

Please pray that the technical side of things will be protected (ie. server not crashing, surveys submitting accurately, etc.).

Please pray that women will be courageous in their willingness to take a survey and be honest about their struggles.

This is the single largest project I have ever tried to spearhead and I know I need God in this to see it through. So please pray that He would remain ever-presently centered in anything that happens. And that I don’t get ahead of Him in the process.

More tomorrow!


  1. Since I can’t effectively tokbox for now, know that I’m praying here from Oz. This is too important to let the enemy even get a slight win from anything that could go wrong with any aspect of what you’re doing. May God’s LIGHT shine and expose all the darkness. Amen!

  2. I whole-heartedly endorse your endeavor. I am a friend of Jenni C and am a prayer intercessor. I am too deaf to join your life group but am not too deaf to hear the Holy Spirit. Count me in as an intercessor for the message you are conveying, to glorify Him.

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