Portland… So Far

Hey Peeps. So, I don’t really know what to post about… I don’t really have much to say. But I will share with you some pics of my trip here so far. I absolutely love it here. I don’t know if it is Portland… or just the people. Either way, I am in love.

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Where has been your best vacation so far?


  1. Portland is a beautiful, special city. So many unique people there, blazing a trail and living creatively.

    My favorite vacay so far?

    A toss up between my honeymoon to SoCal. Perfect. Picturesque. No rush with the man I love.

    and my family’s trip to England and Whales when I was younger–it was a blast! There’s a ton of us and we make sure to have a pretty good time wherever we go!

  2. So many wonderful trips, but I think the best was the first one to Northern Ireland. Sure this was partly because I met Diane for the first time, but it was a brilliant holiday regardless.

    Though all the Ireland/UK trips have been great…and the Aussie ones too. And then there’s NYC…ummmmm

  3. I love you… and I’m so glad you are here with me this week.

    How in the world did God know I was gonna need you here right now? OBVIOUSLY because He’s God.

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