The Dissolution of Dirty Girls Ministries, Inc.

Release Date:
July 16, 2019

The Dissolution of Dirty Girls Ministries, Inc. (dba DGM Community)

I, along with our Board of Directors, have come to the difficult yet prayer-filled decision to unanimously vote to dissolve Dirty Girls Ministries, Inc. (DGM) effective December 31, 2019 and at which point DGM will cease operation as a non-profit organization.

There are many reasons for this decision but the main ones are financial and what the best use of time and resources are. For nearly a year now, I have fully run DGM on my own with no other staff and on a $500/mo stipend as a salary. Since 2017, DGM has been on a downward struggle to maintain even our most basic expenses. As a result, I have routinely waived my stipend in order for other expenses to be paid first and have spent considerable hours fundraising to no avail. In the last twelve months, DGM has received less than $7,000 in financial support which included $3000 from a significant campaign to get DGM to the Summit in Washington, DC. It is simply not enough to keep going. Now that I have graduated with my masters, the decision was made that my time is better served counseling and coaching women and writing books and resources, not fundraising. So that is what I’m going to do through Living on Purpose.


The DGM Community will continue to be a place where women can safely gather online as long as there are members. Current memberships will remain active and new members are welcome to join. I will personally absorb the online DGM Community into my for profit, Living on Purpose.


We will continue to accept donations until December 31, 2019 and those monies will be allocated to the upkeep of the community, website hosting, and community advertising. Contributions will be tax-deductible for the 2019 tax year. Additionally, I have set up a to accept support as I make this transition from non-profit director to business owner should you wish to contribute at

Thank you to all who have supported and cared for DGM these last 10 years. We would not have lasted this long without you. I am reminded of Isaiah 43:19 – new things are springing up and that’s more than okay… it is good because GOD IS GOOD and I still believe the best is yet to come.

With hope,

Crystal Renaud Day, MAPC
Founder and Executive Director of Dirty Girls Ministries (DGM Community)
Owner and President of Living on Purpose



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