Where Did “PinkHairedGirl” Go?

My single greatest takeaway from Echo Conference was Rhett Smith’s breakout on “Not Losing Yourself in Social Media.” About six months ago I left my old blog (PinkHairedGirl.net) behind to…

“Come Stand in the Light…”

Most of you may not realize that my full-time job is actually in church communications and am actually a Regional Network Coordinator for the Center for Church Communications. I fully…

Cheapening God’s Grace

Last night I found a “goals” type of school paper I wrote when I was just 16 years old. Behind pretty words about my newfound faith and elaborate life goals…

15-Day Identity Challenge

Check out the 15-Day Identity Challenge (who you are in Christ) on our forum (under Resources & Encouragement). Rediscover who you really are in Christ, not who you have been…


Just one of my favorite poems. Wanted to share it with you in case it speaks to your heart in the same way it does to mine sometimes. – –…