Christmas at Westside

This year’s Christmas eve services were a little bit different for Westside. We focused less on the manger, and more on the shadow of the cross behind it. I am…

My New Thing

Up until about a week ago, I never in my life have been able to bake a decent AND edible cookie. Happy to say now: things have changed. I don’t…

Praying for Boldness

I know that if I pray for boldness, God won’t just give me boldness. He will provide opportunities for me to act boldly. And that is terrifying to me because:…

2010? 20-10? 10?

Only 2 weeks left to finalize how I am going to refer to 2010… “Two Thousand Ten” … “Twenty-Ten” … “O-Ten” … “Ten” … I lean toward “Twenty-Ten” but how…

Just Let Me Have a Freaking Oreo

In the last year I have lost 25 pounds. In the last year I have gained back 27 pounds. I don’t get caught up in the number on the scale….