I’m Not Gonna Steal Your Husband

This post might get me into trouble. I’ve been sitting on it for a few months and when Los posted about something similar last night… I decided to pull the…

Nothing is Off Limits (Well, Almost)

Today is a “You ask, I’ll answer” kind of day. Ask me anything! About my life, who I am, my favorite whatevers. super spiritual. or super not… it is up…

Never Leave Me Alone with Photobooth

So, I’ve been kinda sick this weekend. Dealing with the consequences of having eaten strawberries (if you don’t know, I am allergic to them). Anyways, I did go and get…

iCooked #3

This iCooked recipe is actually one I came up with myself. What? I am making my own recipes now? Yep. Fish Tacos Van de Kamp’s Crispy Fish Tenders Low Carb…

Eat Dirt

My post today is in response to Global Food Crisis Day. Did you know there are people in this world who eat dirt just to calm their hunger pains? No…