Confession: I’m Obsessed with the Scale

So, on Wednesday I shared with you all that I will be participating in the Forty Days of Water but that I was not truly going to give anything up…

Shutting Down My Blog?

Made you look. While I respect those who have shut down their blogs for a season, I don’t feel as though that is what I am called to do. But…

My First Neti Pot

This video is self-explanatory, but I will preface by saying that I must be nuts to actually post it. Be sure to thank Jenni, David and Sarah for their encouragement…

Off the What Now?

If you’re in the Atlanta area (or can get to the Atlanta area) this Thursday, February 26, let me encourage, nay, urge you to go to OFF THE BLOGS. OFF…

Dirty Girls Update

If you’re in the Facebook Group for Dirty Girls, you received some of the following in a message earlier this week. But I wanted to write you all here in…

Those Funny Germans

I saw this briefly on TV last night and I had to look it up. Thankfully youtube had it. So funny. Hope you enjoy.