25 Random Things
So, there’s this viral facebook note going around where people are posting 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about themselves. I’m following suit with mine as well. Maybe you’ll…
Welcome to LifeGroup Online!
You can participate by pressing the “play” button in the video below or CLICK HERE for a larger view (I find that the chat is easier in the larger format)….
Revenge of the Nerd
“You must have been popular in high school, huh?” said a coworker of mine. Unfortunately, I had to correct him and share with him this story and preceded to explain…
Because you asked for it…
Ok people… We’re here to keep you entertained… so because you asked for it… (it was pretty much “thrown” together because neither Jenni or I have time to make it…
iCooked: Week 1
Okay people… I am going to start something new here at PinkHairedGirl.net. It is called iCooked and it will feature one meal a week that I, Crystal Renaud cooked for…