Monday Weigh-in #16

Did you notice I didn’t post my weigh in last week? That was either subconsious intentional or I simply forgot. I am leaning toward that I just forgot. Forgive me–but…

President Daddy

This totally made me cry… The way these girls talk about their dad with the loyalty, love and respect they have for him in this letter, I can only dream…


As previously mentioned, I have plans to write a book… but I need your help! With the working title, “Dirty Girls: The New Porn Addicts,” this book will discuss the…

Foot Woes

This is kind of a weird prayer request, but I mentioned it at LifeGroup Online last night and felt I needed to share with you too. After all, more prayer…

LifeGroup Online…

Join us Wednesday night at 8:30pm (CST) for LifeGroup Online! For those of you who haven’t been before … this will be a great opportunity to come and check it…

Are you ready for a miracle?

So, this will likely be my last political post until our next presidential election but I did want to leave you with one message. Barack Hussien Obama will take the…