Annoying but Necessary

Friends, I have decided to add a Captcha service to my blog for commenting. Unfortunately, I am getting way too much spam coming through despite having Akismet activated. All you…

Monday Weigh-in #9

Are you tired of these weigh-in posts? I’m just asking because the traffic and comments on Weigh-in Mondays has dwindled. I enjoy knowing that I have to post for accountability…

My Day Yesterday… in 90 Seconds

Inspired by him and her… here is my day yesterday… in 90 seconds. Simply 2 second clips edited together with hard cuts, no soundtrack, and only 90 seconds. Why 90…

Monday Weigh-in #8

Okay friends, I did a lot better this week on staying on track. I allowed myself a few cheats but kept it pretty well within my point allowance. So, yea…