El Salvador

November 9-13, 2009, four bloggers will witness firsthand the ministry of Compassion International to the poor of El Salvador. Pray for their families they’ll leave behind, their spiritual and physical health, their ability to take in a lot of information and experience a lot of emotions and find the words to write about it. Visit this… Continue reading El Salvador

Eat Dirt

My post today is in response to Global Food Crisis Day. Did you know there are people in this world who eat dirt just to calm their hunger pains? No joke. In Haiti, this is becoming a growing trend referred to as “dirt cookies.” It is combination of dirty (clay), salt and vegetable shortening and… Continue reading Eat Dirt

World Malaria Day

April 25th is World Malaria Day. Malaria kills 1 million people each year. Most who die of this treatable, preventable disease are children. A gift to Compassion’s Malaria Intervention Fund will help Compassion-assist children and their families to receive the resources they so desperately need to fight this deadly disease, including: •mosquito nets to protect… Continue reading World Malaria Day