The Real Hope for Haiti campaign is unapologetically asking for your help and sacrifice. aaron posted this chart today, showing what your sacrifice can do.
anne and i together have, as silly as it sounds, sacrificed a tradition and as a result have paid the monthly salary of 2 rescue center workers. i am not saying that to say, “look how great we are” – but instead, to challenge YOU to give up something you love for something you love even more.
because they need our help.
whether it is giving up starbucks or reducing text messages (i am taking the $10 a month i pay for unlimited text messaging and providing malaria treatment to 30 people a month, for one year), there is something you can do too.
“one year. dare ya.”
oh and please don’t forget to pray for them.

hi, just wanted to let you know that i donated to Real Hope for Haiti today.