Project 365: February 10, 2010

Six years ago today, I began working in full-time ministry at Westside Family Church. A lot of things have changed since then. More things then I could even begin rattling off. But the most noticeable change has got to be my hair. where were you six years ago?

Project 365: February 4, 2010

Next week on Valentine’s Day, we’re doing a throw-back to 3rd grade and exchanging Valentine’s among the staff. Including designing our own Valentine boxes. I mean, legitimately 3rd grade. Here’s mine (fully equipped with a slide): (click to enlarge) Valentine’s Day may be my least favorite holiday—as a single person. But at least we’re trying… Continue reading Project 365: February 4, 2010

Project 365: February 2, 2010

This book was left in my mailbox at work. It isn’t actually meant for me, but I am thinking about stealing it. I think it could come in handy.