Project 365: January 19, 2010

I was recently interviewed by Kyle Reed for his blog series, “Leaders Under 30.” It was posted today and is posing the question: How do you bring your real life into your blogging and online communication? Check it out and Join the Convo

Project 365: January 16, 2010

Hi, I’m Crystal and I’m addicted to baking cookies. In the last 30 days, I have baked cookies 4 times. Tonight’s: Toffee Chip. At least now when someone asks me what my hobbies are, I can answer with something other than: “playing on the computer.” What are YOUR hobbies?

Project 365: January 15, 2010

With so much despair taking place in Haiti, we saw a miracle happen today. Dan Woolley (member of Compassion International’s internet marketing team) was discovered alive after 3 days… inside of a hotel elevator shaft. He was in Haiti collecting footage of Compassion’s work in the area but had gone missing following the earthquake on… Continue reading Project 365: January 15, 2010