little money, big impact

well, it is finally here… today is World Malaria Day.

Malaria kills 1 million people each year. Most who die of this treatable, preventable disease are children. A donation to Compassion’s Malaria Intervention Fund helps Compassion-assist children and their families to receive the resources they so desperately need to fight this deadly disease, including:

•mosquito nets to protect children from mosquito bites
•malaria prevention education
•access to malaria medical treatment for those struggling with the disease

did you know that all it takes to prevent this devastation a $10 net?

A little goes a long way:
•$10 will provide one mosquito net.
•$30 will provide three mosquito bed nets.
•$50 will provide five mosquito bed nets.
•and so on…

people, i am asking you… to wow me, wow yourselves and wow those vulnerable… with your generosity. some of you have already given, but if you haven’t-i challenge you do so and spread the word. here’s how….


click HERE to donate through compassion international’s malaria fund.


click HERE to leave a comment and let me know you’ve donated.

spread the word. post about this on your blog. steal the graphic!

$10 to Prevent Malaria

here’s the code:


By Crystal Renaud

Crystal Renaud is the Founder & Executive Director of WHOLE Women Ministries whose projects include Dirty Girls Ministries and WHOLE Women’s Conference. She is also the author of Dirty Girls Come Clean (Moody Publishers), a speaker and student who lives in the Kansas City area. Follow @crystalrenaud on Twitter and visit her website for info on coaching and speaking at


  1. i wouldn’t challenge you to do something i’m not willing to do. so, that’s mean… i’ve donated! woohoo!

    Thank you for your gift.
    Date: 4/23/2008 5:25:01 PM


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