Goodbye for PinkHairedGirl?

this post #500 since moving to i’ve been blogging in some form since 2003 and really don’t know how many total posts it been. but i’ve gone from xanga…

you’re my test audience…

hey — okay so if you’ve been following my twitter at all you know i have been mulling over something for a while. some grand idea that involves blogs, blogging…

Where’s My Blogroll…?

I deleted my blogroll? GASP!! Yes, but not permanently. I have removed my blogroll in order to clean it up. I want to know that those who are on it…

Live Prayer on Wednesday!!

Los did an AWESOME thing with his blog readers the other night. he facilitated a live prayer meeting via his blog on Mogulus! i wish i had thought of this…

you know you’re too busy when…

there isn’t time to decently blog. just to fill you in: 1. I am super busy. A lot of events and activities coming up which means, busy times for the…

relentless pursual

my friend Julie just recently started blogging… today, in fact. and she really hit it out of the park with her first entry. here’s what she had to say. if…