red & yellow, black & white… not green

maybe i’ll lose readers after this, but you know… if i was anything other than real on here, i might as well close it down. with this being “green week”…

World Malaria Day

April 25th is World Malaria Day. Malaria kills 1 million people each year. Most who die of this treatable, preventable disease are children. A gift to Compassion’s Malaria Intervention Fund…

can you picture her smile?

WOW-DID YOU ALREADY SPONSOR HER??? if you sponsored her… let me know! Kristilin Hariminggu from Indonesia. Age 5. Kristin lives with her father and her mother. Her duties at home…

i’m shifting focus

i was quite humbled by the response my last post had. from job moves, to the health of loved ones to the health of your churches, you shared your prayer…