Portland… So Far

Hey Peeps. So, I don’t really know what to post about… I don’t really have much to say. But I will share with you some pics of my trip here…

Changing the World, One State at a Time

Okay, so one of my “less than world-changing goals,” is to visit all 50 states within my lifetime. Today, I will be able to cross one off my list as…

Off the What Now?

If you’re in the Atlanta area (or can get to the Atlanta area) this Thursday, February 26, let me encourage, nay, urge you to go to OFF THE BLOGS. OFF…

We Went to Paris Instead

Click to see more from our Las Vegas rendezvous. Thank you Benji for being our photographer and letting us be total tourists. There are many stories to tell and will…

since my last post, oh 2 days ago…

after sunday’s Africa team meeting, i am really starting to feel the weight of responsibility and am pretty (a lot) overwhelmed. its not all bad though, but here’s a bit…

you’re my test audience…

hey — okay so if you’ve been following my twitter at all you know i have been mulling over something for a while. some grand idea that involves blogs, blogging…