random ramblings…

So, it is random post time…


My parents are well on their way to Australia. Their flight from LAX to Sydney was at 12:00am this morning (which they called me from the taxiing airplane). That portion of the flight is 15 hours… so they will be in the air for a while longer. Current Australia Time: 3:10am on Friday, March 31st. (weird, huh?)

My first night in my house alone went fairly smoothly… for me that is. My poor dog woke up a lot whining. She isn’t used to my mom being gone (but neither am I). I feel so bad for her. She just stared at the front door then looked back at me – door – me – door – me. Poor thing. That was only the first of many nights to get through over the next week & a half. Do any of you have advice on how I can comfort her (for her sake and mine)?


Some of you have asked about my brother’s condition after his wreck last Friday night. Brad is still sore – but he is doing fine. It is a miracle he survived the wreck – with no broken bones or major injury. He swerved off-road and hit a tree at 55mpr. He was wearing his seat belt but on impact the entire seat was ripped-up and lifted from its base. He was then thrown forward into the stirring wheel – bending it back – hitting his head and right hand into the windshield.

A miracle he survived.

And for another addition to this ever-so-random post… I, Aunt Crystal, will now boast by posting a picture of my beautiful nephews. You can begin your "ooos & ahhhs" now. And check out this amazing picture of my mom. I just think she looks beautiful in this picture. I am so proud of her. She’s lost a total of 40lbs now. Don’t tell her I told you that though.



I am super excited that it is supposed to storm tonight. We are in the RED ZONE for the severe part of the storm. Obviously tornados would be a bad thing. I would HATE it if a tornado came while my parents were gone. I do love a good storm though… Hopefully it will be light enough outside still and I can take picture/film and post them later.

Enough randomness… get back to work.



  1. Julie

    I generally let Bailey sleep with me. That’s the best comfort he gets.

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