gobble gobble

happy belated thanksgiving. well, it is Sunday, November 26th and i can finally say that Thanksgiving is over. i know Thanksgiving was Thursday but it has been with me all weekend. all freakin’ weekend.

starting on Thursday (actual thanksgiving) when my brother came over. my other brother Bill was having thanksgiving with his in-laws so we had a makeshift thanksgiving on thursday just me, my brother Brad and my parents. we had roast. pie. etc.

friday continued the thanksgivingness with a Saved By the Bell marathon on TBS. i watched it all morning. friday night i hung out with my dear friend Anne Jackson (visiting from Texas). i believe she will post better pictures soon. eh-hem.


now for Saturday. Thanksgiving Day for the Renaud Family. when all my sibblings would join us. my nephews too!!!!! it started with my mom waking me up at 8:30am and if you know me at all – 8:30am is NOT ok for a Saturday morning – especially after having been OUT the night before. i had to clean my bathroom, mop the kitchen floor and make some sort of fruit salad. during all of this Bill was hunting up in Leavenworth (shout out to Jennifer). he shot 2 (his first ever). AND he… umm…. couldn’t find them. SO my dad, the expert hunter, goes 30 minutes up to Leavenworth to try and find the deer that my brother had supposedly shot.

without them, the rest of us ate. we visited. and then my dad and Bill arrive home – over 3 hours late for Thanksgiving Dinner… good LORD! and they do what they need to do to a dead deer… while turning us into such johnson county hillbillies. really, all in all – a typical Renaud Family Thanksgiving.

dang. i love my family. uber randomness, embarrassment and all.

random trivia i want to know about you and your thanksgiving…

  1. what are you thankful for…
  2. thanksgiving just isn’t thanksgiving without…
  3. a childhood thanksgiving memory of yours…

me-and-my-boys-copy.jpg thefeast.jpg

oh and here are linkage thing-a-ma-jigs if you want to put them on your blogs. don’t feel obligated obviously. thanks!

christmas-donate.gif kettle.gif
(more info about these)


  1. I’m thankful for friends. And the family. Most of the time.

    Thanksgiving requires turkey (otherwise I could take it or leave it), green bean casserole and mashed potatoes. And these days, my friends. So much so that I forced my family to come have dinner with me and my friends instead of going to them this year.

    Childhood memory. Childhood memory… My grandma would always cook the turkey neck for me because I loved the neck and I would eat it in the kitchen as she finished up the meal.

    I was very excited that one of my roommates brought home venison for us and another was sharing about her sisters first doe. Apparently one of the nieces went to the fridge and pulled out the heart to show it to her. Hee.

    Glad you survived.

  2. 1. I am thankful for my family and the season of life that God has us in.
    2. thanksgiving just isn’t thanksgiving without… relatives houses that are way to warm.
    3. a childhood thanksgiving memory…hot houses, gross food, boredom.

    I actually don’t care for thanksgiving if you’ve noticed. It is much better now that all us kids are grown and we can just sit and talk.

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