sometimes i wonder…

sometimes i wonder if anyone reads this… and today is one of those days.  please help me feel better by helping me out with this survey. i would like EVERYONE to do it – even if you had done something similar before.

who are you?

are you a girl or a boy?

your age group: 0-12    13-7    18-25    26-35    36-50    51-64    65+

where are you?

what time is it where you are?

what pays the bills? (job)

is this your first time here? if yes, what brought you here? if not, what brought you back? 

thanks for obliging me in doing this little survey. :)


  1. Happiness

    I am your Happiness.

    I am a girl.

    I will be honest and tell you I am in the 36-50 age range. I will continue to be honest and tell you I don’t like that category. 36-40 or even 36-45 are half-way acceptable, but 36-50 is out of bounds. Of course, ask me this again when I’m 47 and I’ll happily check the 36-50 box.

    I am in my happy, homey living room.

    It’s 5:14 p.m.

    I am a teacher.

    You are my Happiness. How can I not keep coming back?

  2. who are you?

    are you a girl or a boy? boy

    your age group: 26-35

    where are you? Fresno, California (Central Valley)

    what time is it where you are? 4:43 and time to go home.

    what pays the bills? broker

    is this your first time here? nope
    if not, what brings you back? I dunno, why do we just like some people and not others? Because I’m “pink hair approved”. What can I say? I’m a sucker for community.

  3. i am anne.
    i am a girl.
    i am 26
    dallas tejas
    9:48 and just got back from ikea :) at home, on the couch. rubbing my poor feet from 300,000 sq ft of swedish furniture
    i photoshop things for a living
    first time? nope!
    why i come back? i love you!

  4. More people read your blog than you realize. A very, very small percentage actually post back. Ok, here goes:

    who are you? It’s a great, great album by The Who…way back before your time, missy

    are you a girl or a boy? boy

    your age group: 36-50

    where are you? Hermiston, Oregon

    what time is it where you are? 10pm, time for bed

    what pays the bills? (job) Elementary school counselor

    is this your first time here? if yes, what brought you here? if not, what brought you back? Nope–just dig the posts

  5. who are you?
    servant of Christ

    are you a girl or a boy?

    your age group: 0-12 13-7 18-25 26-35 36-50 51-64 65+
    where are you?
    Kansas ,Dorothy.

    what time is it where you are?
    at my computer, 1:02am

    what pays the bills? (job)
    You ,mean WHO?

    is this your first time here? if yes, what brought you here? if not, what brought you back?
    hmmmmm im still thinking

    thanks for obliging me in doing this little survey.

  6. who are you?
    Internet Buddy

    are you a girl or a boy?
    boy last time I checked

    your age group: 0-12 13-7 18-25 26-35 36-50 51-64 65+

    where are you?

    what time is it where you are?
    10:27 AM

    what pays the bills? (job)
    Library work, web design, and management

    is this your first time here? if yes, what brought you here? if not, what brought you back?
    I am subscribed to you. So I have to come back. Part of the package.

  7. who are you?
    Krissie Allen

    are you a girl or a boy?
    definately a girl

    your age group: 0-12 13-7 18-25 26-35 36-50 51-64 65+
    I am in the 26-35 group
    where are you?
    In my living room, here in OP, KS

    what time is it where you are?

    what pays the bills?
    My official title is “Publications Coordinator”

  8. Sorry girlfriend…you already know that I am addicted to you and I can’t tell you any more about me, because you already know everything. But I love you and hope that your day gets better.

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