update on nephew
Thanks for the encouragement some of you have sent.
Like my previous post said, my baby nephew is sick in the hospital. I went up there last night and he was doing MUCH better… running around, laughing, falling over… cause he’s lonly 1 and can not walk well…. hehe :) But he needs to be off oxygen for 7 hours before he can go home. Every time he falls asleep his oxygen levels drop drastically below normal. This ended up happening soon after I left last night. He had to be hooked back up to oxygen and monitors to sleep. So please continue praying for quick healing from this infection for this little guy. My sister-in-law is up there with him … so pray for stamina for her too.
He is staying overnight again.
Below… pics of jackson at the hospital. As you can see he’s doing pretty good when he’s awake. SO CUTE. I can’t help but show him off… I am a proud aunt. :)

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