my friend, angie

have you ever met someone is who is unabashedly pursuing God? i have. her name is Angie. and she is one of those few amazing people who is pursuing His vision for her. not claiming to know, but pursuing and seeking. she inspires me the more i get to know her. her wisdom and freshness about life is definitely jealous-worthy.

designer. believer. faithful. raw. real. my friend.

i love you, angie.

and i want YOU, pinkhairedgirl readers, to know that she has a blog. what she writes is raw, fresh and from somewhere deep inside her. it pours out with each word. i recommend that you go and read what she has to say.

her blog.

oh and this post is pretty, darn sweet of her.
i’d be embarrassed if you actually read it, but am posting it anyway.


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