Okay, here’s the deal…

I’ve officially joined WeightWatchers.

Not because I think I am too fat or because I want to be skinny. But simply because I desire being healthy. I’ve always known that I needed to do something about my weight (I’ve been overweight since 4th grade–thank you Grandma Rosie and her blessed genes). Since my weight never really hindered my lifestyle or how I felt about myself, I just ignored it. And frankly, comfort had a lot to do with it as well.

Weight is such a personal issue and I definitely have a certain level of anxiety about putting all of this out here. Not that telling you adds an extraordinary amount of pressure or anything, its just that its embarrassing. But with all that aside, I know I am the kind of person that does a hundred times better at something, if I have solid accountability behind it. And that’s why I decided to share this with you.

What won’t happen:
* My weight loss regime will not take over my blog.
* I will not make you feel like you should be doing this too.
* I will never use the word “fat”.

What will happen:
* I will post my weigh-in each Monday after my WW meeting.
* I will ask you to help me remain accountable to doing that.
* I will outlandishly celebrate any small victory.

Yeah, so there’s nothing clever here like RagamuffinTop or anything like that. Its just me inviting you to go on this journey with me. Even if all that means is knowing you’re reading.



Monday, September 29
*Weight: 225.9lbs
*Pounds Lost: 0
*Height: 5’1″
*Daily Point Allowance: 31
*10% Target Goal: 22lbs


  1. Praying for you in this journey. I went through a similar journey last year & it’s made a huge difference for our family in the way we think about food. I never tried WW, but I did use SparkPeople & it was an awesome (free) program.

  2. i know it will BLOW your mind what online blogability will do to help you with this. it is the only way i lost weight consistently. so proud of you…praying for you…and with you…i have been trying for a couple months now….and have 3 then 5 then 7 pounds to go!!!

  3. Crystal, what a great move! It sounds like you are doing it for all the right reasons, good for you. I had to make the decision to get healthy a few years back, and now I’m sure (I wasn’t before) that I will be around to see my kids grow up.

    Stick with it! We’ll be here to encourage you.

  4. yeidy

    congratulations I am proud of you and your attitude on this! great job

  5. Lory

    joining the party…well, so long as fruits and veggies are on the menu…

  6. Congrats on beginning your journey… I am trying to get back to pre-baby so I hear you! Losing weight is hard work!

  7. Crystal,

    I was going to blogability with a friend of mine in effort to be healthy for life.

    I, too, didn’t want weight talk to take over my blog. Thus, I will fire up yet another blog.

    If you wanna get some health-related issues off your chest, I wouldn’t mind giving you an author account.

  8. Les

    You are many heroes to me, and this will be another aspect of that. Good on you. Be way blessed.

  9. jennifer

    i know you can do it, if i did anyone can. when i was younger i used to weigh 175 pounds and i wore size 16 in women’s . i just decided i was tired of it and i went on Slim fast and lost more than 40 pounds and got down to a size 6 and i also started exercising and lifting weights. that was the best thing i have ever done for my health.

  10. Having recently began a similar journey, you know I’ve got your back my friend.

    Holler if you need anything.

    P.S. It’s a heck of a lot easier than all the crap and people make it out to be. I’m down 30 pounds in just over 40 days. YEAH…believe it. :-) Oh, and I feel better than I have in like 2 years!

  11. Good job stepping out to do this. It’s hard to take that kind of leap.

    A friend of mine has lost over 75lbs now on WW and he is still going. It’s the only proven program because of the accountability involved.


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