With Gratitude…


*God and His grace and provision.
*My mom. She means more to me than she probably realizes.
*Kathi, who encourages me and got me started doing Weight Watchers 9 weeks ago.
*My job. I am absolutely blessed to use my gifts in the church I call home.
*iTunes gift cards. Seriously the best gift I can be given.
*the over 7000 shoes that have been donated thus far.
*Beyonce during my workouts.
*Twitter, because it keeps me in the loop.
*all the volunteers at Westside who really make ministry possible.
*all the readers of this blog and the community you create here.
*God bringing Dan Southerland and his humble leadership to Westside full-time.
*the conferences I was able to experience this year. Much was learned.
*my journey back to South Africa.
*my brand new friendships and the ones I had to let go of.
*all the other blessings I just don’t deserve.

What are YOU thankful for?


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