
So, I’ve been sick with a cold/flu type thing since just after Thanksgiving. Even missing a couple of days of work=. Not good. I think (hope) I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel though as it has just settled into a dry cough. Can anyone say, “miserable?”

I am going to be resting a lot this weekend.

But to keep my blog from completely shriveling up and dying… here are a few floating thoughts that have kept my mind going this last week or so.

*I ordered Christmas cards on – they looked SO cute and I was SO excited about getting them and addressing them. They came in the mail on Tuesday but looked nothing as described. Needless to say, I sent them back. And I am left to still find new cards. A Target-run might be on the horizon this weekend. I’m running out of time!

EDIT: I went all the way over to Target for groceries and odds ‘n ends but left there without looking at Christmas cards. Totally forgot! Sigh….

*We launched LifeGroup Online this week. Even though I was sick and rather incoherent in my leading of the thing, I believe it went really well. I am excited about the women (so far it is just women, but men are welcome) who are on board. If you wanna join in, it isn’t too late. Just meet here this Wednesday at 8:30pm (CST). We’ll have worship led by Jenni Clayville and a member will be sharing their testimony. Should be awesome!

*I am an inch away from finally completing and launching Westside’s new website. I’ve been working on it in some form for over a year. It has been a long process and am so excited to officially launch it on December 14. Pray all goes as planned! If you want a sneak peek go here.

*I am nervous for my weigh-in on Monday. I’ve not been sick since starting Weight Watchers and unfortunately, I’ve been kind of a baby about it. Been eating a lot of comfort food and been too out of energy to workout. Oh well. Next week is a new week!

*This last one, I must warn you is a horribly shameless self-plug but I know you love me anyways… I have been trying to find some new freelance work. I’ve been getting kinda restless, bored and need a creative outlet. If you have some design needs… consulting/marketing needs… or really… any sort of administrative needs (cause I’ll take anything that pays) please think of me, then email me at crystal.renaud[at]

That’s about it! What’s going on in your world?


  1. Working (my boss is in town – Yeah!) Getting ready for the holidays (or more helping my mom get ready). Getting excited to see my brother on Friday and my dad and best friend next week. Going out and meeting new people. And getting more involved in our middle school program at church (just became an official 6th grade girls leader).

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