A Different Kind of Mission Trip…

So, apparently I can’t fast from blogging more than 48 hours.

Greetings friends. I pray you have all had a Merry Christmas and are ready for the brand new year ahead of us.

I wanted to take a moment and share with you something I am really looking forward to in 2009. Instead of an oversees mission trip, I have decided to participate in The Breast Cancer 3-Day on October 23-25, 2009 in Atlanta, GA.

The Breast Cancer 3-Day is a 60-mile walk spanning over the course of three days. I must raise a minimum of $2300 in order to participate and am asking that you please consider supporting me financially. Net proceeds benefit Susan G. Komen for the Cure and National Philanthropic Trust, funding important breast cancer research, education, screening, and treatment.

You may Donate Online or use my mailable donation form.

But I must also ask that you please pray for me. Between now and October, I will continue to focus on my health – to help me be the most ready I can be. Most of you know that I have been doing Weight Watchers over the last 3 months and have lost 20 pounds to date. I will need your prayer support to keep me going and be ready for the endurance this 60-mile event will ask of me.

I also want to ask that you consider joining my team and walking with me. I have named my team, “Bloggers for Boobies.” I know, a little corny… but how cool would it be to have a team of bloggers walking together against Breast Cancer? AND even if you’re not a blogger — please still consider joining me.

Join Bloggers for Boobies

I thank you in advance for your prayers and financial support. If you would like to keep up with how my fundraising is going, etc. you may visit my participate page or my blog.


PS. Got any leftover cash? I know… silly question. But this Wednesday is December 31 and if you would like to make a tax-deductible donation in 2008… you have until Wednesday to do so. Donate now.


  1. Crystal – as a 3Dayer heading to 3 years, I can tell you from experience, that calling this “a different kind of missions trip” is EXACTLY what you will experience. Diverse cultures, diverse life experiences, impacting individuals by living examples, by encouragement and providing vital information that can save lives. We (Warriors in Pink – Rachel’s Hope) use the fundraising need as our motivation for community activism, breast cancer education and awareness – then the funds come! Last year, during a fundraising at WallyWorld, a gal that had seen our posters came up to us, introduced herself and said she was on her way to get her hair cut off – before it fell out. Turns out she had been diagnosed with Sarcoma and less than 1percent survival rate – cutting off her hair was her being able to CONTROL something in her life – we were there cheering her on, when she returned, and celebrated by spray painting her remaining “mohawk” PINK! The team provide meals for her family during, after horrible chemo – we invited her to be our “guest of honor” during a 4th of July Parade where we wore PINK and Red,White & Blue and marched for “FREEDOM from BREAST CANCER” in the parade. She still struggles but is not alone. We’ve grown, we’ve seen His had guide us and use us in remarkable ways… Then the 3Day event itself – that is where we felt “the world as it SHOULD be”… thousands of people – drawn together by LOVE for LOVE – wow… speechless and forever drawing us back for MORE.

    We also learned, even in training, – every step we took, was an opportunity to make a difference: together in the lives of the team, and in the community. There were many, many training days we PINKED it out, carried Komen breast fact flyers (all printable online) and trained 10 – 15- 18 miles – walking to neighboring communities and back and talking with all wonderful kinds of people along the way. We’ve met a 16 year old who thought she had breast cancer – actually had “questionable cells” – and we loved/hugged encouraged her – offering support and prayers.

    Wow. The stories are endless – and are exactly why we are drawn, compelled to work in this “mission field”. This is my call – and I’m so fulfilled having answered it!

    I look forward to reading about your training – if this 52 year old grammy, having lost 130 pounds, can walk it 2x so far (training for 3rd) ANYONE can!

    I’m proud of you, Crystal, for making the commitment to make a difference! You’ll do so, so well!

    Oh, and my new motto: “Serve the people – the $$ will come”.

    (rather than raise funds, raise funds, raise funds like my 1st year! that drove me crazy! haha!)

    It took a year, but He was patient, until I “got it”! haha!

    Ah… grace.



  2. amy

    Thank you for sharing this. I think that supporting breast cancer stuff is a good idea.

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