Goodbye Forum? Please Take Our Poll
It is with a huge bummer of a sigh that we’ve decided to close the DGM forum… at least as it is right now. Even with placing more security in place spam has continued to be a major problem and even since Sunday have removed over 150 spam users. These users simply wreak havoc on site security and the safety of YOU, the users on the forum.

Since is our vision for DGM to be a safe place for you to build community and accountability we’re presently looking for an alternative community/discussion forum environment.
As we navigate the best platform for such an online community we are finding that some of the best—also come with a hefty price tag. One we are finding is called “The City” which for our size organization is around $120 a month plus a $350 set up fee. The City has features like chat, private groups, a news wall much like facebook, a prayer wall and premium content like videos, etc. Plus it would also be completely customizable.
And the best part? No spam.
Please participate in our survey poll below.
This will help know if we should go in this direction or not. Please only vote if you intend on being an active participant in the community. We’d also love any feedback in the comment section below.
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As always we welcome your donations that help us continue to do ministry day to day. Find out how to give HERE.
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