The Fraudulent Waters of Baptism

By Crystal Renaud

When I was in the throes of my addiction to pornography, it was very important to me that I appeared like I had everything together. That my life wasn’t run by my flesh, but that I loved God so much that every move I made and every word I spoke reflected Him. But in striving to do this, I skipped steps of faith and even lied to keep up the appearance.

Take my baptism, for example.

I was fifteen years old and had just started attending a new church with my mom. I found myself at youth group at the invitation of a high school friend where the message of the evening was about baptism. It was your typical baptism talk on how the next step for a believer was to publicly profess their faith decision.

But what I heard was if I did this baptism thingy, then it would prove that I was who I was pret… continue reading.

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