Fill in the Blank

I put  __________ before my relationship with Jesus Christ. Answer anonymously, if you’d like. 2 Corinthians 5:15, “Christ died on behalf of many in order that the ones who live…

Pray for Amy

On Sunday, May 23, Amy Wooddell suffered a stroke and underwent 7.5 hours of surgery to remove the clotting in her basil artery. Additionally they found that her right vertebral…

We Want Your Story

I was one of 3 people to share our porn addiction stories at my church last weekend. Big thanks to Wes Koetje for editing this piece to a format I can…

My Relapse: From Temptation to Sin

In light of my church using my story in a message series recently and my own desire to be transparent (even in the areas that aren’t pretty) … I share with…

Death to Self

Today’s post is from our newest featured author Nicole Wick. She’s on the Board of Directors at Dirty Girls Ministries and is an incredible writer—addressing what is like to be a wife…

Accountability is like a Good Seatbelt

I stumbled upon this video on a friend’s facebook wall Friday afternoon and was blown away. Check it out (it’s only about a minute-thirty): Seriously, I’ve watched it about 8 times…