Step it Up, Men!

the following post might need to be read with a extra little grace. I don’t know about you but more and more it seems to me that there are less…

Security Risk

I am an insecure person. No, this isn’t some new epiphany from God. This is something that I’ve known forever. And is the thing I hate most about myself. I…

Classic Peanuts

me too, Charlie Brown. me too. ht: les brown

Monday Weigh-in #4

This week (although good on paper) was a rough one for me. I discovered (or finally surrendered to the fact) that I have developed an allergy to strawberries. About a…

what are you listening to?

I am currently on an old PC (that has a permanent green tone to the screen) in our CD duplication room at Westside (exciting, huh?). Well actually I am just…

who are you voting for?

Like many Americans, this upcoming election has been almost (if not completely) annoying to me. I believe the most frustrating part has been trying to decide who, out all of…